Monday, March 17, 2008

Voting Yourself Off the Island

I do not know, but I lived on an island for the first eight years of my possession Management Consulting business. Not a real Geographic Areas & 39; island, but a metaphor one.
I was a true solo with SOLO-taker and bold caps. Oh sure, I am with many people and had great relationship with most of my clients. Contrary to bounce back from time to time ideas for my husband, even though the only other person that I & 39; have on me, to support current production & quot; & 39; operating costs & ; amp; quot; my business, my accountant. The best is him and I would & 39; twice in & 39; year was conversation.
It MES business, after all! J & 39; l & 39; I had full responsibility for all matters concerning the purchase of paper clips & 39; of inputting data into the tables and demanding Doubtful debts. Ironically, of course & 39; the system of exploitation & 39; out from a place of confidence unwavering d & 39; n & 39; independence was not in & 39; optimization of the force my business. That does & 39; is not produced until & 39; to what I & 39; aie training for the conduct of & 39; coach, a mentor and then bus rented & quot; & j 39; ai l & 39; intention of & 39; Island & quot; in collaboration.
So conscious of what is with you? Possession and & 39; operations of a solo & 39; d & 39; business can also be a place of the seductive feels like risk-taking. But if you, like me, and sometimes act as if the only person you can really trust, & quot; do it right & quot; It is the riskier approach could indeed & s 39; d & 39; spread to others. The first collaboration was really scary for me. It & 39; m pushed out of my job solo comfort zone. But the benefits of taking this risk can be strong!
Let & 39 d & 39; consider a few of the possibilities of strengthening cooperation can take charge of yourself and your business.
First, you need to be removed! Like many & 39; you are trained and on your best whether activities such as accounting duties? Of course, it costs money to the & 39; the services of an accountant or & 39; d & 39; virtual assistant, but what is the cost of your time? What do you intend to do, not on the success of your business, you are then that participation in these functions? You may even be able to think of creative approaches barter trade-off tasks which are not of & 39; use your skills to those who do.
Now, what would you & 39; of the actual development of your products and the delivery of your services? Are there opportunities for cooperation for you?
Over l & 39; years, I & 39; I voted for the training and for many clients. As I did my shop & 39; moves the center of gravity more about coaching managers and teams & 39; business, I & 39; have been reluctant to spend as much time with the development of training programs.
So new professional, I have known & 39; with a colleague whom I have known since the beginning of my career, I sincerely hope and respect. He was miserly, more things to do and cooperation are established, in order to reach a wider group of customers. Win: Win! Some training initiatives, he designed, and we have also provided some, we have developed together, and it a. We march with the formation of what the score is the best, and our respective interests and calendars.
I now have several of these cooperative relationships that allow me to maintain relationships with major customers in the workplace of high caliber our colleagues, which I am constantly Learning.
Collaborative partners can also be found in your own backyard. J & 39; have a partner cooperative has its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. We see this as an opportunity to distance Blended for a US / Canadian perspective, but as a issue.
Of Sure, it & 39; is not always bliss. There may be some & quot; experiment & quot; before the formula right. Remember
Qu & 39; does the free version of & 39; capacity you need?
Qu & 39; do give the personality that best matches your own compliments?
Where is the greatest & quot; comfortable & quot; to a partnership relationship?
Successful d & 39; collaboration with other colleagues, the time required spending & quot; your alliance & quot;, and always very clearly d & 39; advance on the terms of your contract . & 39; C is especially the case when you offer similar products or services.
Some useful to ask questions of himself are: Have you
respect for the other & 39; for the caliber of l & 39; employment and customer service?
Do you have confidence in the reliability of the person to the other by & 39; & quot;, & quot; and a pinch?
Do you have confidence that the intellectual capital or equipment, which is the property of the treated accordingly?
Are you in possession of a degree & 39; & quot; about the prospect & quot;?
That is, the belief that we had enough work for everybody, and you need to be a full-fledged does not consider himself & quot; competition & quot;.
Have you decided to score, and as it is coming with the same stores customers are treated?
Do you have a clear agreement that the costs are those costs are shared and managed?
You It should be noted that customers of the past few days are not surprised that more Associates, a cooperative society to a team, but normally they & 39; expect that the company is a & 39; who account for the point of management, contract and billing.
An approach to cooperation, which I am recommending the development of & 39; alliances with companies outside the area of expertise, but serve the same clientele. Ask your proverbial heads to discuss ways to serve each of your customers and the market in a powerful way by the development of a & 39; & quot; grouped & quot; product or you service.
I wishes success in the joy and sardinia Island!
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Sue Edwards is a Leadership and business coach, specializes in working with the leaders transition to new tasks and new organizations. She is the author of & 39; & quot; Congratulations, you are Hired! A Guide to coach & 39; ensure a successful transition & quot; & 39; and author of a contribution in the workplace & quot; awakening and 2 & quot Leadership & quot; gurus & 39; Speak Out. Download a copy of Sue & 39; Annual Report: & quot; Top Ten Success Factors (and Seven Deadly Sins) for the passage leading in organizations & quot; here daryl christopher

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